Monday, November 4, 2013

Prairie Dog Greenbelt Update #1 Turned Dirt, Crosses, More Writing, One left?

crosses are here
I just wanted to do a quick update about what has been happening with the local greenbelt.   After the prairie dogs were exterminated for a second time the city turned all the dirt, killing all the wonderful plants. I know that most of the plants there were invasive and non-native, but still. Is it just me or does it seem wrong to kill so many oxygen makers? Please leave a comment if you can.
previously beautiful, green, living (etc.…) field near my neighborhood is now but a sea of brown (yet fluffy) dirt.

The Brown Graveyard
While walking down the path the other day, I was near tears. All the wonderful life was gone, like an empty playground in the middle of summer. It seemed apoptolictic (is that the word for apocalypse-like?)turning around the corner  my heart lept. There was a large-ish gathering of crosses. There were quite a few (like around twenty, maybe more) Big burly crosses, some of which said things like “we sacrificed” or something. There was one big cross that said “prairie dogs poisoned by Lakewood city officials” And next to the bigger, nicer, Crosses; there was a small gathering of crosses that I had put out a while ago. I would like to thank every single person who helped with the crosses.  We all appreciate you! 

Okay another thing I wanted to talk about: as I’m guessing many of you know I blogged a lot last December, almost a year ago. But not much this year! I’m thinking of writing more, so if you want to be able to see everything as soon as it comes out please enter your email into the box on the top of this page, (where it says “email address” then “submit”) and press that submit button, that will make you become a follower of the blog! :D

Here is the last thing I wanted to mention:  If you walk down the path that my apartment overlooks, you will see a large brown field, but there may be a slightly lighter dot, one that is moving around, often looking over the destruction.  I think this may be the last prairie dog left. If anyone sees him/her can you comment?  I will look into relocating this little guy/girl, it must be heart crushing to be him/her…

Again thank you all for that page view you just gave me! I love you all! :D
---Cymbre Arwen Smith