Sunday, December 9, 2012

Prairie Dog Blog Interviewed for Denver Channel 2 News!!!

Our cross making party turned into quite an event! My Mom and I put on coats and sweaters for the cold snow. I packed up a hammer, a pair of scissors  and a roll of thread. I did not have good string like yarn! 

Then, at ten before noon, my Mom and I went out to the big field full of crosses.  Standing there was a guy with a big camera taking pictures of the graveyard.  I went over to him and he asked to interview my Mom and I. He asked us a lot of questions and had us speak into a microphone while looking at a camera.  I was really surprised that I was not freaking out about being on TV and having thousands of people look at me!  There was only one question that I forgot the answer to which was what the neighbors were saying about it. I accidently said that I had not talked to any of the neighbors when I had talked to one of them.  When I had talked to the neighbor  he had said that humans were Superior to the prairie dogs and the only reason that we did not get plague was because we exterminated them.  

For the next hour we all made crosses to mark graves till our fingers felt they were going to turn to icicles. When I got home it hit me that I was going to be on TV and I spent a while jumping off the walls yelling "I'm going to be on TV!!!"
It was a crazy day that might just save the prairie dogs from extinction.
And a big thanks to Susan who called the news!
Watch us tonight! (maybe (if not it will be on during the day tomorrow)) (click here for a link to a web page that has the news)

1 comment:

  1. Someone found a better video on the web and sent it to me here it is:
