Sunday, December 2, 2012

Volunteers Protect a Colorado Prairie Dog Colony

     To help me to understand how people can save prairie dogs I realized that I have to read about previous victories. This is the first one I came by so I summarized it and posted it.
      There was a victory of prairie dog protectors in Colorado recently.  They saved a town that was going to be wiped out due to nearby farming. A bunch of volunteers put up a big four foot tall fence to make sure that the prairie dogs do not leave their field and populate agriculture and animal farms. They also put up about a foot of chicken wire on the ground to prevent tunneling under the fence.
     Maybe this is what I could do to make sure that people do not call in to complain about more holes in back yards if I get the Longmont prairie dogs into the field near my house.
     To get the fence solution to work I would need some volunteers and donations. That is why in the next few days you might start to notice some ads on this page.  I would also need to get permission to put up a fence from the city of Lakewood.
     Then of course there is the fact of getting the Longmont prairie dogs down here. I have found a nonprofit that might be able to help. Click here to go to their webpage. There is also someone that might be able to help that my mom has been talking to on Facebook who my mom originally got the information about the prairie dogs searching for new homes.

1 comment:

  1. I like to think that for every idiot whining about their lawn having holes in it there are probably a lot more people who are outraged by these senseless killings. I bet if you and friends went to Longmont with petitions asking for the prairie dogs to be left alone a lot of people would happily sign them! It seems a main problem in your neighborhood was that no one knew about this until after the fact. Petitions should should be brought to city hall. I would recommend calling a local news show to get the word out, news shows love this kind of thing. No elected official is going to want to be known as an evil prairie dog killer, especially if they are interested in winning future elections! Good luck!!
